Wallet Connection: Users can connect their wallets via RainbowKit using multiple wallet options such as MetaMask, Ledger, TrustWallet, and Argent.
ENS Name Display: If a user has an ENS name associated with their connected wallet, the dApp displays their ENS name. If no ENS name exists, the wallet address is shown instead.
Ethereum Sepolia Testnet: The dApp runs on the Sepolia testnet.
React Query Integration: The app uses TanStack Query (React Query) for efficient data fetching, caching, and synchronization with external APIs.
Technologies Used
Next.js: Framework for building the user interface.
RainbowKit: Library for easy wallet integration.
Wagmi: Ethereum hooks for React to interact with Ethereum wallets and chains.
React Query: For handling data fetching and caching.
TailwindCSS: For styling the UI components.
Sepolia Testnet: Ethereum test network for development.
How It Works
Wallet Connection: Users can connect their Ethereum wallets via the RainbowKit ConnectButton. Once connected, their wallet address or ENS name will be displayed.
ENS Name Resolution: The dApp fetches the ENS name of the connected wallet using the useEnsName hook from the Wagmi library.
Sepolia Chain: The app is configured to run on the Sepolia Ethereum testnet, ensuring that it's running in a test environment for developers.